Thursday, 18 April 2013

Re-frogification revisited !

Readers who have read previous posts 'Frogification' and 'Re-frogification' will know that I have been trying to keep some frogspawn alive, which was laid in our pond just before the cripplingly low temperatures kicked in, a few weeks ago.

Most of the frogspawn already laid was killed by the icy water temperature, and began to disintegrate after a few days.  However,  I did manage to find one clump which had been protected as it was lying in slightly deeper water,  underneath a larger clump. I salvaged it and put it in the greenhouse, in a take-away container ! Nothing but the best for my little taddies !

If I am honest I didn't hold out much hope for it, and nearly forgot about it, remembering to check only when temperatures began to rise. When I checked ... there was life ! Wriggling, active tadpoles !

They went back into the pond, after they were gradually introduced to the colder water.

I swear they turned and waved before they swam away!

I spent ages this morning gazing into the pond to see if any of the original frogspawn had hatched (note to self ... must get out more !). I did see the occasional tadpole, but nothing like the hoards we usually have - the pond sides are usually thick with them, in the shallows.

So, I think I maybe did do some good in the name of re-frogification, as I have reintroduced about 50 tadpoles which would otherwise have died.


  1. Have been looking for frogspawn in Richmond Park and was wondering about how they had been affected by the temperatures. Well done for saving those little creatures

  2. Ours was very nearly wiped out by our low temperatures !

  3. Wow! I didn't hold out much hope for your frogspawn, either. Good to know I was wrong! Good going for saving some frogs!

    1. Hi HG, I didn;t hold out much hope either so it was a lovely surprise!

  4. Good for you, I am sure they appreciate it :)

    1. Hi D_Y, they can show their appreciation by returning to the pond next year to spawn - hopefully in better conditions !


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